Treating Anxiety Bundle

Instructional Videos

Four videos on Treating Anxiety in one convenient bundle

Attachment-Focused EMDR for Panic and Anxiety

In this video of a live session with a volunteer client, Dr. Parnell uses Attachment-Focused EMDR to treat a woman with a severe phobia that causes her panic and anxiety. The client tearfully explains that she is triggered by seeing or hearing young mothers with small children when the mother or the child seems to be in distress. The client is so triggered by this, that she becomes overwhelmed with anxiety and panic and either attempts to intervene or flees from the situation. The problem is life-limiting and debilitating.

In this session, Dr. Parnell uses the bridging technique to find the childhood incidents linked to the triggers, then employs the modified protocol to reprocess two targets. The client then processes the present trigger and imagined future scenarios. At the end of the session, the client reports feeling free from the anxiety that had plagued her and is no longer triggered. In a follow-up interview the next day, the client reports being symptom-free while riding the subway, unperturbed by crying children and their distraught mothers.

This video shows:

  • Use of Attachment-Focused EMDR with panic and anxiety
  • Installation and development of resources
  • Use of the bridging technique to find EMDR targets
  • Use of the three-part protocol
  • Follow-up interview with the client showing resolution of her symptoms

EMDR for PTSD from a Natural Disaster

In this video the client presents in a hyper-aroused, distressed state after being triggered by a recent hurricane. Though he was not physically hurt in this hurricane, it activated memories of a terrifying hurricane he experienced as a four-year-old child. At that time, his parents left him and his young sister and brother alone in their house and went to a party knowing that a major hurricane was approaching. The hurricane with 75 mile-per-hour winds knocked out power in the house leaving the children alone in the dark with the wind howling and the trees bending in half. He and his siblings left the house and together made their way to a neighbor’s for safety. On the way there, grasping his sibling’s hands, he was nearly blown away by the gale force wind. This early trauma was distressing not only because it was life-threatening, but also because of the careless neglect of his parents.

In order to create safety, we began by installing resources, setting up signals for stop and keep going and establishing a metaphor to use for creating distance. It was essential in this case that he feel safe with me as he processed his traumas. I tapped on his knees for the bilateral stimulation, which he later described as comforting. In this video you will see the three-part protocol: I target the trauma from the past linked to the current problem first (the hurricane trauma when he was four years old), then process the present (the more recent hurricane), and finally he imagines a future scenario. At the end of the session the client said, “I’m here, I’m more grounded.” He felt that he could handle what came and that in the more recent hurricane he did what he had to do. For the future he was making appropriate preparations for his home. He felt solid, relaxed and confident he could manage.

EMDR for Fear of Public Speaking

In this video the client, a therapist, has a fear of public speaking. She would like to present publicly, but she is very anxious and avoids situations where speaking would be required. She said that when she speaks, she can’t think, and has significant anticipatory anxiety that could be so severe it affected her sleep before scheduled events. Her goals for treatment were to be confident enough that “I can handle whatever happens so I can think.” She wanted to be able to speak publicly and do presentations and also to see more couples without sleepless nights.

In the session the client using tactile stimulation pulsers for bilateral stimulation, installed resources. We then used the bridging technique to bridge from a recent example of her speaking anxiety to find a target from the past. After processing that target to completion and installing a positive cognition we returned to the incident we bridged from to check our work. She felt much better, but found another area that still had charge. We then bridged a second time to find another target from her childhood and processed that. When that was complete, we again returned to the recent anxiety-producing situation to check our work. She felt much better in that situation, no distress. She then imagined future scenarios of speaking. These felt better, but new concerns came up that she hadn’t been aware of before. After exploring these, we decided to close the session with the understanding that these could be targeted in future sessions. At the end of the video I summarize the session and explain what I did and why.

This video shows:

  • The installation of resources
  • The use of the bridging technique to find targets linked to the presenting problem
  • The processing of multiple targets in a session
  • The use of the modified protocol
  • The use of the three-part protocol (past, present, future)
  • How to follow the client with minimal intervention on the part of the therapist
  • How there can be multiple contributors, and multiple targets linked to an issue or problem
  • How to a session with more work to be done for future sessions on the presenting problem

EMDR for Panic and Anxiety in an Overwhelmed Single Mother

In this session, the client, a single mother of four children presents with a terror that her children will contract a “tummy bug”. She said she had intense fear, anxiety, and panic that could be triggered by anything that she believed might produce a stomach ailment in her children. She believed that her intense fear was an exaggerated response and wanted to be less anxious and reactive. This case was complicated, multifaceted and had multiple contributors linked to her stress and anxiety that she was able to successfully process with EMDR in this session.

We began by exploring the presenting problem, including any associated triggers, behaviors and history. We then developed and installed resources. We used the bridging technique to find the first target to process, bridging from a recent trigger for her panic. Several times during the session when the client returned to the target to check the work she discovered new emotionally charged channels that she then processed. From time to time we explored blocks and employed interweaves to unblock them. When the earliest target was processed and a positive cognition installed, we checked back with the triggering incident from which we had bridged. Finding that the trigger was no longer charged, she processed it with new feelings and beliefs, and then processed future potential triggers. By the end of the session she felt relief, and a significant diminishment of her anxiety with regard to her children. She realized that there was a “normal” level of stress inherent in raising children on her own, with which she was more comfortable. This video includes an discussion of the case conceptualization and the use of the bridging technique as well as a questions from the class.

This session shows:

  • How to case conceptualize and develop targets from a complex symptom picture
  • EMDR with present day stressors that are causing panic and anxiety
  • How to develop and install resources
  • How to use the bridging technique from present-day triggers to find a target
  • The use of the modified protocol
  • The use of the three- part protocol
  • How to explore blocked processing and use interweaves to unblock processing
  • The importance of processing multiple channels from one target and trusting the process

Four Video Bundle (save $20 over the individual price)

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