Attachment-Focused EMDR Bundle

Instructional Videos

Four videos on Attachment-Focused EMDR in one convenient bundle


  • Attachment-Focused EMDR to Heal a Relationship Trauma
  • Attachment-focused EMDR for the Repair of Early Childhood Separation and Loss
  • Attachment-Focused EMDR for an Eating Disorder
  • Attachment-Focused EMDR for Early Child Sexual Abuse by a Stranger

Attachment-Focused EMDR to Heal a Relationship Trauma

In this video of a live session with a volunteer client, Dr. Parnell works with a man who wishes to heal a past relationship trauma that is causing him distress in the present. Triggered by a recent situation that activated a strong emotional response, the client reports that several years previously, he had been emotionally harmed by the actions of a therapist. He wants to be free from the threat of being triggered in future situations.

The video demonstrates the use of Attachment-Focused EMDR, including the importance of the therapeutic relationship and therapist flexibility in adapting to the client’s needs.

This video shows:

  • Use of Attachment-Focused EMDR to work with a present-day issue that is linked to experiences from the past
  • Development and installation of resources and overcoming roadblocks to developing resources
  • What to do if bridging fails to link to an earlier target
  • Use of the three-part protocol and modified EMDR protocol
  • Session closure and a clinical summary of the session

Length: 67 minutes

Attachment-Focused EMDR for the Repair of Early Childhood Separation and Loss

In this video the client presents with anxiety, trouble sleeping and irritability related to a future move. She was distressed and tearful as she described her fears and concerns about leaving her friends and family to move to a city only three and a half hours away by train. Though she realized her fears were irrational–she knew she could and would keep in touch with the people to whom she was close—yet was still wracked with anxiety and fear of separation. She believed her anxiety was linked to early separation from her mother as an infant when she was taken to India to live with her grandparents, and then later returned to live with her parents when she was around two years old, losing her grandparents and extended family in India to whom she was attached. The client believed that her mother had a hard time attaching to her in part because of the early separation and also because she was working intensively in medical school during the client’s childhood. As a result of her mother’s lack of availability, the client reported feeling abandoned, lonely and angry as a child, even having temper tantrums and biting other children.

The client believed that these early separations and losses made it difficult for her to securely attach to her mother and trust that she wouldn’t be “abandoned” again.

We began the session by talking about her presenting problem, current symptoms, and related history, choosing the type of bilateral stimulation to use and then developing and installing resources. We then explored possible targets, finally bridging from the emotionally charged negative cognition “I’m not going to have my mom” to find a scene from early childhood as our target. Using the modified EMDR protocol we began the bilateral stimulation. She processed this scene going down many different channels of association. We checked the target and her child self several times, and employed resource and imagination interweaves to provide her child self what she needed to repair the early losses and separations. Near the end of the session a split-screen interweave was used to help her sort the past from the present and quickly reduce her anxiety. After the target scene was completed and a positive cognition installed, she brought herself to the present and then imagined future scenarios of moving. She found herself forgiving her mother for the past and letting go of her anger and need to punish her, saying, “I can forgive my mother.”

After checking her body she felt grounded, at peace and more ready for the move.

Finally we debriefed the session and answered questions from the group.

This video shows:

  • How to use Attachment-Focused EMDR with trauma from early childhood separation and loss
  • The use of the three-part protocol
  • The development and installation of resources
  • Therapist-client attunement
  • The use of the bridging technique to find an early target from a present negative cognition
  • The use of imagination and resource interweaves for the repair of early childhood attachment trauma
  • The use of the split-screen interweave to separate the past from the present

Length: 84 minutes

Attachment-Focused EMDR for an Eating Disorder

In this video of a live session with a volunteer client, Dr. Parnell demonstrates the use of Attachment-Focused EMDR with a woman with a life-long problem with binge eating. This session with a complex clinical presentation shows the use of advanced EMDR skills and knowledge, such as how to take a history of the presenting problem and find the best target, how to prepare the client for EMDR trauma processing of the early experiences linked to the disorder, and the use of resource and imagination interweaves to repair early attachment wounds.

The video demonstrates the use of Attachment-Focused EMDR to repair unmet developmental needs, and the importance of therapist-client attunement.

This video shows:

  • How to use EMDR for an eating disorder
  • Development and installation of resources, including for the client’s mother
  • Use of a nurturing figure to repair early childhood attachment trauma
  • Use of the bridging technique to find a target from an urge
  • Use of the modified EMDR protocol
  • Use of imagination and resource interweaves for the repair of early childhood attachment trauma
  • Use of the three-part protocol when working with a dysfunctional behavior
  • Clinical summary of the session

Length: 94 minutes

Attachment-Focused EMDR for Early Child Sexual Abuse by a Stranger

In this video of a live session with a volunteer client, Dr. Parnell works with a woman who presents with a history of sexual assaults and childhood physical abuse. The client reports symptoms of dissociation and present-day triggers that are troubling to her. The client believes the abuse has impacted her interpersonal relationships, particularly her ability to trust people.

The video demonstrates the use of Attachment-Focused EMDR, including the therapeutic relationship, implementation of resources, and use of the modified protocol allowing the client to feel safe enough to enter into and process the traumatic material.

This video shows:

  • Use of Attachment-Focused EMDR with a focus on creating safety
  • Development of a clear target using the modified protocol
  • Installation of a team of resource figures
  • Use of interweaves for blocked processing
  • Closure and debriefing of a complete session

Length: 62 minutes

Four Video Bundle (save $20 over the individual price)

Digital Download Option: $200.00

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Get our FREE “Introduction to Attachment-Focused EMDR” ebook to learn the basic principles of EMDR with an attachment focus, it’s powerful benefits for your clients, and how you can integrate it into your practice.