Tracy Artson

San Francisco and Bay Area

As a licensed psychologist with over 30 years of experience, I prioritize collaboration and attunement within an integrative approach to offer all people a safe and empowering environment. I am an EMDR-Approved Consultant, Facilitator of EMDR trainings, and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner/Trainer (SEP). I hold extensive theoretical, research, and practical knowledge relating to trauma, treatment, and recovery. Specifically, I guide clients in processing their unique interplay of individual and familial histories, life experiences, identities, and social/geopolitical forces.

The therapeutic relationship offers a place to heal, repair, and reprocess once-protective patterns/behaviors which now may hinder growth. I support patients with their personalized goals, including symptom relief, transformation, and greater tolerance for discomfort. At this time, I provide Telehealth. Please contact me though my website or the email address listed above.

Resource Tapping Demo (video)

Free Resource Tapping Video 

Complete the form below to receive this FREE video to expand your knowledge & understanding of EMDR. This video will equip you with powerful tools & strategies for helping your clients heal on a deeper level.