Steven Bradshaw

12401 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 303, Los Angeles, CA 90025

I work with high-potential, creative and sensitive beings, who may feel stuck and burned out. I've discovered personally how AF-EMDR and somatic therapies revitalize the organism and effectively resolve psychological and health issues at the source. In particular AF-EMDR can shift anxiety, burnout, chronic pain, digestive & other health issues, depression, loneliness, and imposter syndrome. It works to restore the nervous system to a state of healthy regulation, energetic flow and feeling at home in your body. This provides a foundation of authentic self-esteem that becomes the basis for a meaningful career and a network of healthy relationships—a life that works great on the outside and feels great on the inside.

My work combines AF-EMDR with Somatic Experiencing (SE) and attachment repair to accelerate the process of healing. This is a body-oriented approach grounded in neuroscience and trauma-informed research. It works to discharge bound survival energy, disrupt tension patterns, and reset the nervous system.

I am a Licensed Psychotherapist (LMFT), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) trained in Attachment-Focused EMDR and IFS. I am the Executive Director of Beyond Psychology Center, a network of practitioners focused on cutting-edge, evidence-based treatments . I have trained personally with Laurel Parnell (AF-EMDR) Bessel van der Kolk (Body Keeps the Score), Richard Schwartz (IFS), Peter Levine (SE), and Thomas Hübl (Collective Trauma). If you'd like to learn more about my approach and why it can be more effective than regular talk therapy, schedule a free consultation. I look forward to meeting you.

Resource Tapping Demo (video)

Free Resource Tapping Video 

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