Part 1 | 3-day Training – June 20-23, 2025 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Pacific
Part 2 | 3-day Training – July 20-23, 2025 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Pacific


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful therapeutic method for healing trauma-based problems. Attachment-Focused EMDR (AF-EMDR) is an evolution from standard EMDR and is guided by five core principles. AF-EMDR stresses the importance of creating safety for the client; it recognizes the therapeutic relationship as the foundation of the work and respects the complexity and diversity of clients who present in therapy. We emphasize the need to be flexible and adapt treatment according to client-centered cultural and individual needs. These basic principles are essential for attachment and developmental repair. Our AF-EMDR training teaches thoughtful modifications of the standard EMDR protocol and extensive resourcing for stabilization and ego strengthening, which aids in the repair of attachment traumas and developmental deficits.

In this comprehensive training, participants will learn how to use AF-EMDR in clinical practice. This training includes lecture, small group practice, and demonstrations in a supportive environment. Because this course provides extensive time for practice, participants learn AF-EMDR firsthand and the power of this transformative therapy.

AF-EMDR virtual Basic Training

In a supportive environment, participants learn how to use Attachment-Focused EMDR in clinical practice. We will provide you with detailed guidance and preparation to assure a successful training experience.

Our AF-EMDR virtual trainings are conducted via Zoom meetings. Our virtual trainings will provide the same curriculum and rich learning experience we are known for.

Those registering need to be prepared to meet via Zoom with reliable and secure access to a computer or tablet device. We will provide you with detailed guidance and preparation to assure a successful training experience.

Through lecture, hands-on practice, and demonstrations, participants will learn:

  • Construct protocols and procedures for using AF-EMDR with a variety of clients
  • Demonstrate clinical application of EMDR and AF-EMDR concepts and procedural steps
  • Demonstrate client selection criteria and cautions necessary for safe use of AF-EMDR
  • Utilize Resource development and installation in cases of challenging current life situations, blocked beliefs, or for performance enhancement
  • Identify methods for developing inner resources used for interweaves and client closure
  • Construct AF-EMDR targets using the bridging technique
  • List how to integrate AF-EMDR into clinical practice with a range of clients and presenting problems
  • Utilize Resource development and installation in cases of challenging current life situations, blocked beliefs, or for performance enhancement

This course is limited to mental-health professionals who are licensed to provide treatment in their states, province or country and are currently treating traumatized clients.  Participants wishing to complete the requirements for AF-EMDR Basic Training must complete Parts 1 and 2, receive ten hours of consultation from an Approved Consultant on the Parnell Institute for AF-EMDR faculty, then take Parnell Institute’s AF-EMDR Basic Training Part 3.

Required Reading

Parnell, L., A Therapist’s Guide to EMDR: Tools and Techniques for Successful Treatment.

Parnell, L. Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma

This course is approved for 45 CE hours. For the complete course schedule, objectives, conflict of interest disclosure, and complete CE information, please click HERE to review them prior to registering for the course.

PART 1 & 2 Tuition

$2210.00 USD include 45 hours of training: didactic lectures, small group consultation, and ten small group hours of supervised practicum EACH weekend, along with a training manual, power points, and daily video demonstrations. Tuition also includes the cost of 10 hours of small group consultation by a Parnell Institute –Approved Consultant from the Parnell Institute faculty following part 2 and 45 CE credits.

CE Credits

We are still in the process of finalizing credits and will update this section soon.

A Three-Part Basic Training Model

The Parnell Institute Attachment-Focused EMDR Training is divided into three parts. Participants will take Parts 1 & 2 over two three-day weekends scheduled close together in time.

Upon completing Part 2, all participants are required to use AF-EMDR in their practices while receiving ten hours of small group consultation from our Parnell Institute faculty. The fee for the required 10-hour consultation is included in the Basic Training cost.

Part 3 (a separate fee) is taken approximately six months following part 2 and after completing the requisite 10 hours of small group consultation with a Parnell Institute faculty.

Participants must take all three parts to complete the Parnell Institute’s Attachment-Focused EMDR Basic Training to receive a certificate of completion. The Three-Part training sequence must be completed within two years.

Please note the following before registering:

Registration Requirements

  1. All participants must be licensed to independently practice psychotherapy. You are fully licensed through your state or government credentialing board in one of the following fields and will provide the required documentation prior to acceptance into the training: 1) Licensed Psychologist, 2) Licensed Clinical Social Worker, 3) Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, 4) Licensed Professional Counselor, 5) Licensed Psychiatrist, 6) Licensed Psychiatric Nursing, 7) Licensed Mental Health Practitioners, Licensed Psychoanalyst. Interns or Associates are not eligible to participate. After completing your registration on this page, you will be asked to submit licensure documentation.
  2. By registering for a training, you acknowledge your understanding that you will be asked to serve as a client in the service of everyone’s learning. **You agree that you are psychologically and physically stable enough to take on a client role in this setting, and that you will do what is needed to take care of yourself if any discomfort arises as a result. You also acknowledge that you have the capacity to access and make use of positive resources.

Participant Consent

I acknowledge that I have been informed of and understand the following:

  1. I have been informed and understand this is an Attachment- Focused EMDR Training and is not an EMDRIA affiliated training.
  2. During this training, I will be asked to serve as a client, member, and observer in the service of everyone’s learning.
  3. I agree that I am psychologically and physically stable enough to take on these roles in this setting.
  4. I recognize that serving as a client may cause emotional distress, and that I will do what is needed to take care of myself if any discomfort arises as a result.
  5. In order to receive an attendance certificate and/or CEs for this training, I must attend the full training, log in and out each day, and complete each day’s practicum and required evaluations.
  6. If I arrive 15 minutes late or leave 15 minutes early or do not complete the training, I will not be eligible for a refund.
  7. Parnell Institute, LLC reserves the right to determine whether I am eligible to continue the training at any stage.
  8. Although it happens rarely, the Parnell Institute sometimes determines that a participant is not able to participate fully, has not mastered the material adequately, or is too disruptive to continue. If this were to occur, the Parnell Institute would provide an opportunity to remedy the issues and return at a later date. However, I understand that this would be done at my own expense.
  9. This is why, as of January, 1, 2022, we have elected to no longer affiliate our trainings with EMDRIA.

You will be emailed this consent form for your signature to scan and submit along with your license verification.

The grievance policy for trainings provided by the Parnell Institute and Laurel Parnell is available here.

ADA Accommodations:

Request accommodations must be 60 days before the start of the program, contact

Technical Requirements:

Our AF-EMDR virtual trainings are conducted via Zoom meetings. Our virtual trainings will provide the same curriculum and rich learning experience we are known for. Those registering need to be prepared to meet via Zoom with reliable and secure access to a computer or tablet device.

  • A computer with a monitor, keyboard, and a mouse or a mobile device/tablet
  • Speakers/headphones: either built‐in to your computer/device or external (plugged into your computer)
  • A strong internet connection, either wired or wireless.
  • The course is supported on most up-to-date internet browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, etc.)
  • You will need privacy
  • You are expected to attend the training in its entirety
  • Please either use your normal speaker set up with your computer or a wired headphone set to be more stable.

Refund Policy

Your registration fee for this program minus a $100 processing fee is refundable up to 60 days before the program begins. If you must cancel after that, no refunds are available, but you may send a qualified colleague in your place.