Using EMDR to Heal the Hidden Wounds of War and Childhood

The Headstrong Project

Co-directors of the Trauma Assistance Program international, TAP-IN, Dr. Laurel Parnell, PhD. and Julie Probus-Schad, LCSW, together with the Headstrong Clinical Team, Dr. Ann Beeder, MD, MD, Gerard Ilaria, LCSW and Carol J. Weiss, MD, are delighted to announce our official collaboration with Headstrong. Our joint mission is to provide expert, Attachment-Focused EMDR to underserved, stigmatized, and marginalized populations. As part of our collaborative effort, we offer the Headstrong cutting edge, 3 Hour Webinar on utilizing EMDR with Veterans for sale on the Parnell Institute website.

What to Look Forward To:

In May of 2021, Dr. Parnell will provide her first Advanced Clinical Workshop developed specifically for EMDR Therapists working with the Veteran Population.

All proceeds from the Headstrong Webinar sales will benefit the nonprofits TAP-IN and Headstrong to support the continued provision of trauma treatment and training to underserved individuals and communities.

TAP-IN is the sister, nonprofit organization of the Parnell Institute.  To learn more about the mission of “Each One Teach One,” The Trauma Assistance visit our website.

Impact Statement from Gerard Ilaria, LCSW, Headstrong Clinical Director

Had we not been trained by Dr. Laurel Parnell back in 2013, Headstrong would not have looked remotely like the national program it has become, and thousands of veterans would not have received the quality and type of care they did, saving countless lives.  Our exposure to the modified protocol, in particular, has positively impacted our clinical outcomes and our clients’ lives.

Gerard Ilaria, LCSW

To learn more about our mission of “Each one Teach One,” and The Trauma Assistance Program-International, TAP-IN visit our website.

Now is your chance to learn how to work effectively with Veterans utilizing EMDR!

Purchase the Webinar:

Using EMDR to Heal the Hidden Wounds of War and Childhood: The Headstrong Project

Presenters: Carol J. Weiss, M.D. , Ann B. Beeder, M.D.,  Jillian Tucker, DSW, Gerard Ilaria, LCSW

Exclusively Available at the Parnell Institute and TAP-IN Websites. All proceeds benefit Headstrong and TAP-IN.

The four presenters will explain Headstrong, a national EMDR trauma treatment program that utilizes 250 EMDR trained trauma therapists in 27 cities to heal both the developmental and combat related trauma of its more than 1,000 veteran clients. Outcome data will be presented as well as common themes in the work with this population. We will then break down how EMDR works best with this population, and how each of the 8 phases may differ between a veteran and non-military veteran client, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, video will be used to further illustrate the above themes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Conduct this model in behavioral health setting and measure outcomes.
  • Demonstrate skills that have prepared you to work with a veteran and military service population, anticipating themes and variations in the work to match the population.
  • Identify how to anticipate the connection between adult military trauma and how the traumas and NC’s trace back to early childhood trauma

Length: 3 hours

Digital Download Option: $90.00

Refund Policy

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Free EMDR Ebook! 

Get our FREE “Introduction to Attachment-Focused EMDR” ebook to learn the basic principles of EMDR with an attachment focus, it’s powerful benefits for your clients, and how you can integrate it into your practice.