Discover the Power of Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR in This Recorded Workshop

Learn how to access multiple dimensions to help clients heal from trauma passed down through generations.

Multiple dimensions of reality and experience exist, and you can access them in your EMDR and Attachment-Focused EMDR sessions to promote healing. In this recorded video workshop, initially held in June 2024, you’ll learn about multidimensional integrative healing and EMDR and how to integrate them into your practice successfully. 

What is Multidimensional Integrative Healing (MDIH)?

MDIH is a powerful approach to healing and personal empowerment. It supports our innate healing intelligence and its capacity to move us toward health and wholeness. This approach recognizes and accepts the existence of realms beyond this world and that life continues beyond the physical body. 

Multidimensional Integrative Healing taps into the idea that ancestral information, including traumas and beliefs, can affect our present emotional and psychological state, whether we are aware of it or not. 

The theoretical framework of MDIH integrates information and practices from:

  • transpersonal psychology
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Attachment-Focused EMDR (AF-EMDR)
  • Eastern spiritual practices
  • shamanic practices
  • energy work
  • mystical traditions of the world

What Are the Dimensions We Can Access Through Multidimensional Integrative Healing?

There are four dimensions of reality and experience we can access using EMDR and Attachment-Focused EMDR:

  1. Physical Dimension: the earth, trees, water, and air on our planet
  2. Psychological Dimension: the emotional world that includes information carried in our nervous systems from life experiences
  3. Somatic Dimension: the experiences stored in our bodies
  4. Spiritual Dimension: the spiritual experiences of something larger than us giving us wisdom and self-compassion for ourselves and others, as well as psychic experiences and helping spirits such as angelic beings, power animals, and familial ancestors

What You’ll Learn in This Comprehensive Recorded EMDR Workshop

While MDIH is complex in nature, this recorded workshop, held initially over the course of two days, is designed as an optimal educational experience so you can acquire everything you need to utilize this powerful healing approach. 

This recorded workshop is broken up into two parts: 

1. Detailed information on what Multidimensional Integrative Healing is, including all of its tools and resources

  • An overview of Multidimensional Integrative Healing, including how it was developed and what is needed from you, the therapist, for MDIH
  • Basic tools for energetic sovereignty, such as:
    — grounding cords
    — energy call back
    — energy bubble
    — ways to connect with nature and the True Self
  • Energetic cords: what they are, how to assess, work with, and release them
  • Energy clearing
  • How to Tap In resources to support the healing work, including spiritual resources

Dr. Parnell presents case examples along with workshop participants participating in experiential exercises to learn more about the techniques presented.

2. Teachings on Multidimensional Ancestral Healing, including ancestral resources

Dr. Parnell provides an overview of Multidimensional Ancestral Healing, followed by establishing the orientation for this approach. 

Like the approach taken in Attachment-Focused EMDR, the orientation is trauma-informed and recognizes that the best way to begin the healing from significant ancestral trauma is to focus on ancestral resourcing.

Drawing from ancestral resources brings help and healing to the present. However, you can also bring resources to the ancestral lineage to help heal the lineage, similar to how you practice developmental repair with AF-EMDR. 

You will learn all about ancestral resources, which include:

  • Healthy, whole, and wise ancestral lineage
  • Ancestral resilience
  • Wise ancestors
  • Ancestral helping spirit: healthy, whole ancestor who can be a wise resource or guide
  • Tapping in cultural and ancestral traditions
  • Resources from the ancestral land
  • Ancestral well or spring

Dr. Parnell also helps you discover and develop resources from the ancestral lineage and explore them together through recorded experiential exercises and group sharing, 

You will also learn:

  • How to work with ancestral cords or energetic patterns 
  • How to use resources to heal ancestral lineage trauma using EMDR resourcing
  • How to use EMDR to target and reprocess ancestral or intergenerational traumas, including past-life traumas

Upon completion of this recorded Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR Workshop, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to bring an Attachment-Focused EMDR approach to healing ancestral trauma
  • Identify methods and scripts for accessing wholesome, healthy resources from the ancestral lineage that can be used for healing
  • Describe how to use ancestral and other resources for intergenerational developmental repair and to heal areas of the lineage that carry traumas
  • Describe energetic cords and how to create control over what is allowed to continue through the lineage
  • Explain how to target and reprocess  intergenerational and ancestral traumas using EMDR, including past-life traumas

Learn How to Access Healing Powers That Transcend Time, Space, and Generations

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from Dr. Parnell, the founder of the Parnell Institute and developer of Resource Tapping and Attachment-Focused EMDR. You will be amazed at the potential healing power you have at your fingertips through Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR. 

Purchasing this recorded EMDR workshop allows you to learn at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. Don’t miss this excellent learning opportunity!

Price: $299.00 USD

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Free EMDR Ebook! 

Get our FREE “Introduction to Attachment-Focused EMDR” ebook to learn the basic principles of EMDR with an attachment focus, it’s powerful benefits for your clients, and how you can integrate it into your practice.