Learn how to apply Parnell’s Modified Recent Traumatic Event protocols specifically with Frontline Medical Workers and First Responders.
Our speakers are experts in their field, breaking boundaries and innovating the next steps EMDR work can take.
You’ll gain instant access to your recordings, PLUS:
- The latest innovations in EMDR therapy
- A broader approach to all the ways EMDR can be used
- Practical insights to reach a broader range of clients
- Purchase each day individually or all 3 days together for the full conference experience
The conference had so much heart! The presenters were not only informative but their delivery was compassionate and humble. This is just what everyone needed during these times.
Sara D., LMFT
Day 1: Understanding and Implementing Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR
Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR by Laurel Parnell, Ph.D.
In this 3 hour workshop participants will learn:
- What is needed from the therapist for Multidimensional Integrative Healing and EMDR
- Basic tools for creating boundaries and energetic sovereignty including grounding chord, energy call back, energy bubble and True Self
- How to include and use spiritual resources
- How to use EMDR with near death experiences, past life experiences, and spirit or soul loss
- How to facilitate integration of spiritual/transpersonal experiences with EMDR including after death communications
EMDR for Preparation and Integration of Psychedelic Journeys by Elena Felder, MFT; Erika Masak-Goldman, LMFT; and Jenna Abell, Psy.D.
In this 3 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Participants will be able to describe how psychedelic experiences have and can be used in the treatment of trauma and depression
- Participants will be able to use bilateral resourcing to help prepare clients for a psychedelic experience
- Participants will be able to use EMDR processing and bilateral resourcing to help clients integrate material that emerges during a psychedelic experience
Panel Discussion: 1 hour forum discussion on EMDR and multi-dimensional healing, and transpersonal/spiritual experiences

Day 2: Using Attachment-Focused EMDR to Heal Diverse Populations
Culturally Responsive EMDR: Adaptations for African American Clients by Wendy Ashley, Psy.D., LCSW
Eligible for 1.5 CEs
In this 1.25 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Participants will be able to describe ways in which historical trauma, lived experiences, racial trauma and stigma impact Black/African American clients seeking EMDR
- Participants will be able critique practice approaches and interventions that do not include consideration of intersectional identities, power and privilege
- Participants will be able to identify strategies for clinician positionality and culturally responsive interventions that will promote efficacy in using EMDR with Black/African American clients
EMDR Therapy with Latinx Clients by Pricilla Marquis, Ph.D.
Eligible for 1.5 CEs
In this 1.5 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Participants will understand that the Latinx population is a complex and diverse group with more within group variation than between group variation.
- Participants will gain an understanding of Personalismo and how it impacts on rapport with Latinx clients.
- Participants will learn to think critically about the impact of the Conquista, Oppression and Immigration concerns for Latinx clients and how these factors may influence the application of EMDR Therapy across the 8 phases.
Attachment-Focused EMDR with LGBTQIA+ Clients by Laurel Parnell, Ph.D. and Elena Felder, MFT
Eligible for 3 CEs
In this 3 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Describe at least three examples of traumas LGBTQIA+ individuals experience.
- Describe problems and symptoms LGBTQIA+ clients present with in treatment.
- List the five basic principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR
- Describe at least 4 targets for EMDR trauma processing with LGBTQIA+ clients
- Describe how to do Attachment-Focused EMDR developmental repair with LGBTQIA+ clients.
Panel Discussion: 1 hour forum discussion on how to work with clients from a multiplicity of backgrounds and cultures

The conference was indeed phenomenal ❤️. Thank you for putting together such a wonderfully relevant and timely conference. I felt filled up and inspired by all of the presenters.
Barb S., LMSW
Day 3: Using Attachment-Focused EMDR for Acute Trauma Situations and Working Cross-Culturally
EMDR and Teletherapy for COVID–Related Trauma: The Virtual Use of Recent Traumatic Protocols in the Treatment of a Severely Ill Client by Constance Kaplan, LMFT
Eligible for 1.5 CEs
In this 1.5 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Describe the psychological effects of COVID-19 on clients who are frontline healthcare providers and the data to support it
- Identify the purposes of EMDR Early Interventions to treat clients suffering from present traumatic stress while preventing a delayed, cumulative impact on their emotional, and physical health
- Evaluate the emerging data on the effectiveness of virtually delivered EMDR Early Interventions on Recent Traumatic Events
- Define the clinical rationale for the evolution of EMDR Early Interventions to treat a diversity of Recent Traumatic Events with an emphasis on sustained traumatic stress of which COVID-19 is a dire example. Examples will be provided.
- Contrast the distinctions between treating ongoing traumatic stress without a post-trauma window of relative safety or calm differs from the treatment timeline of an isolated individual or community traumatic event followed by a post-trauma window of relative safety and calm.
- Adjust case conceptualization and treatment using EMDR Early Interventions based on client-centered, culturally appropriate conditions, and the circumstances of each case.
From the Outset of the Pandemic to the Present: Humanitarian EMDR-Related Services Provided by the Trauma Assistance Program-International TAP-IN team by Julie Probus-Schad, LCSW
In this 1.5 hour workshop participants will learn:
- Participants will learn a Modified version the Parnell Innovation, Tapping Through The Trauma and how to utilize it with Frontline Medical Workers and First Responders
- Participants will be able to identify how the Early EMDR Interventions reduce symptoms related to Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or intense psychological distress.
- Participants will learn how to interface with leaders in marginalized communities to successfully integrate EMDR and EMDR-related interventions into those communities.

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