Meg Tinsley has practiced psychotherapy for 26 years in a variety of settings including private practice, an eating disorder treatment center, a hospital-based chemical dependency recovery center, and school-based counseling with children of all ages. She received a BA from Vassar College and an MA in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in body-oriented psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 2003. Meg has led groups in Authentic Movement, Mindfulness, Somatic Awareness, Body Image, and eating disorder recovery. She trained at the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley, learning a Jungian-inspired movement therapy, and completed the year-long training in the treatment of disordered eating with Beyond Hunger in San Rafael. She participated for two years in a weekly Jungian consultation group and brings a depth psychology perspective to her work by helping clients listen to dreams and symbols. She has completed Laurel Parnell's Attachment Focussed EMDR training, all three levels. Meg maintains an eclectic and embodied spiritual and meditation practice.
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