Part 3 | 3-day Training – Dec 6-8, 2024 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Pacific


This advanced Attachment-Focused EMDR workshop, presented by Dr. Laurel Parnell, is specifically designed for those who have completed Basic EMDR training outside the Parnell Institute. In this workshop, you can deepen your understanding and practical application of the concepts, protocols, and procedures learned. In a supportive learning environment, your learning will focus on:

  • practicing AF-EMDR in small, supervised groups
  • case conceptualization
  • target development
  • methods for releasing blocked processing using interweaves
  • ways to increase client safety throughout all phases of treatment
  • how to work with clients with complex developmental trauma, grief and loss, and recent traumas
  • watching demonstrations

You will learn through lectures, hands-on practice, and demonstrations. This workshop is modeled after part 3 of our proprietary Attachment-Focused EMDR training but has been designed for those not trained by us. It includes a review of the materials from Parts 1 and 2. Upon completion of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • name the five basic principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR
  • demonstrate EMDR procedural steps using the modified AF-EMDR protocol
  • construct protocols and procedures for using AF-EMDR with a variety of clients, including those with complex PTSD, grief, and loss, and recent traumas
  • identify techniques for working with blocked processing and strong emotional releases
  • identify how to unblock blocked processing using interweaves
  • list methods for working with dissociation
  • identify methods for developing inner resources used for interweaves, developmental repair, and client closure
  • list how to apply AF-EMDR for grief and loss

*This Attachment-Focused EMDR workshop is limited to mental health professionals licensed to provide treatment and have completed basic EMDR training outside Parnell Institute.

This workshop is limited to 48 attendees and will take place December 6-8, 2024, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm PT (12:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET) and costs $860.

Required Reading

Parnell, L., A Therapist’s Guide to EMDR: Tools and Techniques for Successful Treatment.

Parnell, L. Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma

PART 3 Tuition

$860 USD includes 22.5 CE credits for psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs, and nurses. This course is approved for 22.5 CE hours. Before registering, please click HERE to review the complete course schedule, objectives, conflict of interest disclosure, and CE information.

22.5 Praxis Continuing Education and Training provides CE CREDITS, which are included with the tuition. To earn CE credit, attendees must complete all live sessions of the activity in full. Participants must sign in and out daily if it is an in-person activity. No partial credit will be awarded if you miss any sessions. After completing all sessions and upon your evaluation submission, you may print or download your CE certificate. We will provide a link to access your evaluation and certificate upon completion.

Please note the following before registering:


  1. To register for this training, you must have an active license, certification, or the equivalent to practice as a mental health professional per the guidelines of your state, province, or country. Interns are not eligible to participate. After completing your registration on this page, you will be asked to submit licensure documentation.
  2. By registering for a training, you acknowledge your understanding that you will be asked to serve as a client in the service of everyone’s learning. **You agree that you are psychologically and physically stable enough to take on a client role in this setting and will do what is needed to take care of yourself if any discomfort arises. You also acknowledge that you have the capacity to access and make use of positive resources.
  3. Refund policy: Your registration fee for this program, minus a $100 processing fee, is refundable up to 60 days before the program begins. If you must cancel after that, no refunds are available, but you may send a qualified colleague in your place.


I acknowledge that I have been informed of and understand the following:

  1. I have been informed and understand this is an Attachment-Focused EMDR Workshop and is not an EMDRIA-affiliated training.
  2. During this workshop, I will be asked to serve as a client, therapist, and observer to enhance everyone’s learning.
  3. I agree that I am psychologically and physically stable enough to take on these roles in this setting.
  4. I recognize that serving as a client may cause emotional distress and that I will do what is needed to take care of myself if any discomfort arises as a result.
  5. In order to receive an attendance certificate and CEs for this training, I must attend the entire workshop, log in and out each day, and complete each day’s practicum and required evaluations.
  6. If I arrive 15 minutes late, leave 15 minutes early, or do not complete the workshop, I will not be eligible for a refund.
  7. Parnell Institute, LLC reserves the right to determine whether I am eligible to continue the training at any stage.
  8. Although it happens rarely, the Parnell Institute sometimes determines that a participant cannot participate fully, has not mastered the material adequately, or is too disruptive to continue. If this were to occur, the Parnell Institute would provide an opportunity to remedy the issues and return at a later date. However, I understand that this would be done at my own expense.
  9. This is why, as of January 1, 2022, we have elected to no longer affiliate our trainings with EMDRIA.

We will email this consent form for your signature to scan and submit along with your license verification.

The grievance policy for training provided by the Parnell Institute and Laurel Parnell is available here.

Refund Policy

Your registration fee for this program, minus a $100 processing fee, is refundable up to 60 days before the program begins. If you must cancel after that, no refunds are available, but you may send a qualified colleague in your place.